Barnes, Joanne, 1966-

Herbal medicines / Joanne Barnes, Linda A. Anderson, J. David Phillipson. - 2nd ed. - London ; Grayslake, IL : Pharmaceutical Press, 2002. - x, 530p. : ill. (chieflly col.) ; 29 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Preface to the Third Edition -- About the authors -- How to use Herbal Medicines -- Introduction -- Chemical constituents of plants used as herbal medicines -- General references -- monographs -- Agnus castus -- Agrimony -- Alfalfa -- Aloe vera -- Aloes -- Angelica -- Aniseed -- Apricot -- Arnica -- Artichoke -- Asafoetida -- Avens -- Bayberry -- Bilberry -- Bloodroot -- Blue flag -- Bogbean -- Boldo -- Boneset -- Borage -- Broom -- Buchu -- Burdock -- Burnet -- Butterbur -- Calamus -- Calendula -- Capsicum -- Cascara -- Cassia -- Cat's claw -- Celandine, Greater -- Celery -- Centaury -- Cereus -- Chamomile, German -- Chamomile, Roman -- Chaparral -- Cinnamon -- Clivers -- Clove -- Cohosh, Black -- Cohosh, Blue -- Cola -- Coltsfoot -- Comfrey -- Corn silk -- Couchgrass -- Cowslip -- Cranberry -- Damiana -- Dandelion -- Devil's claw -- Drosera -- Echinacea -- Elder -- Elecampane -- Ephedra -- Eucalyptus -- Euphorbia -- Evening primrose -- Eyebright -- The False unicorn -- Fenugreek -- Feverfew -- Figwort -- Frangula -- Fucus -- Fumitory -- Garlic -- Gentian -- Ginger -- Ginkgo -- Ginseng, Eleutherococcus -- Ginseng, Panax -- Golden seal -- Gravel root -- Ground ivy -- Guaiacum -- Hawthorn -- Holy thistle -- Hops -- Horehound, Black -- Horehound, White -- Horse-chestnut -- Horseradish -- Hydrangea -- Hydrocotyle -- Ispaghula -- Jamaica dogwood -- Java tea -- Juniper -- Kava -- Lady's slipper -- Lemon verbena -- Liferoot -- Lime flower -- Liquorice -- Lobelia -- Marshmallow -- Maté -- Meadowsweet -- Melissa -- Milk thistle -- Mistletoe -- Motherwort -- Myrrh -- Nettle -- Parsley -- Parsley piert -- Passionflower -- Pennyroyal -- Pilewort -- Plantain -- Pleurisy root -- Pokeroot -- Poplar -- Prickly ash, Northern -- Prickly ash, Southern -- Pulsatilla -- Quassia -- Queen's delight -- Raspberry -- Red clover -- Rhodiola -- Rhubarb -- Rosemary -- Sage -- Sarsaparilla -- Saw palmetto -- Scullcap -- Senna -- Shepherd's purse -- Skunk cabbage -- Slippery elm -- Squill -- St. John's wort -- Stone root -- Tansy -- Thyme -- Uva-ursi -- Valerian -- Vervain -- Wild carrot -- Wild lettuce -- Willow -- Witch hazel -- Yarrow -- Yellow dock -- Yucca -- Appendices -- Potential drug-herb interactions -- Pharmacological activities and constituents of herbal ingredients -- Council of Europe - Categories for natural sources of flavourings -- Preparations directory -- Suppliers directory -- Index. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

9780853694748 0853694745


GBA776132 bnb

101319505 DNLM 013945447 Uk

Herbs--Therapeutic use--Encyclopedias.
Plants, Medicinal.
Phytothérapie--Guides, manuels, etc.
Plantes médicinales--Guides, manuels, etc.

RS160 / .B365 2007


RM666.H33 / N49 2007

2007 K-877 WB 925 / B261h 2007